I recently returned from my gruelling tour of the US which took me to Albany(NY), Buffalo(NY), Albuquerque(NM), Chicago(IL), Rockford(IL), Milwaukee(WI), Minneapolis-St.Paul(MN), Austin(TX), San Francisco(CA), Baltimore(MD), Long Island(NY), St.Louis(MO), Cleveland(OH), Springfield(IL), and Jackson(MS). I was interviewing for a residency training position. During the tour, I came across some interesting people and some interesting incidents happened on the way.
Amongst all the experiences, there are two that stand out. A lot of the people I met thought I was Espanol. I met one such lady,an Espanol, in a hospital corridor, while waiting for my interview. She was waiting there to see a friend who was admitted to the Psychiatry inpatient. She asked me something in Spanish. When I told her that I didn't understand and that I was Asian Indian, she said, " Oh ! I could have sworn by God that you were Hispanic, if you hadn't told me!". Seeing me all "suited-booted" she asked if I was there for an interview. I told her that I was a physician, and that I was interviewing for a position to undergo training in Psychiatry. She then mentioned, she herself was a Psychiatric patient, and was often in and out of the hospital. But, had been feeling better recently. When I asked her, "What has helped?", she said, "I have come to accept that my condition is like any other health condition, say cancer or diabetes, however, it is something that has not been found out enough about. And I am confident that with people like you, it will soon be. That makes me feel better." I couldn't have agreed more, and went on to explain how research is helping better understand brain and psychiatric illnesses. She parted by saying, "I wish you get this position, and become my doctor. You too made me feel better. Good luck!." I thanked her, and thought,"Though I didn't like the program, this lady definitely made my visit worthwhile."
The second incident happened at the Chicago O'hare. I was waiting for a connecting flight to Springfield, Illinois, and was the last one boarding when I heard this announcement, "This is the last and final call for the captain and flight attendant of United Airlines flight 5823 to Springfield, Illinois. All passengers are on board. Last and final call."