On most days while driving back from work, I listen to the desi radio programs on CJMR1320. Though, most desi TV and radio programs do not deserve any audience, I still listen, waiting in anticipation if they would one day surprise me. Since my work allows a lot of flexibility, I often go and return at different hours of the day, which has allowed me to pretty much listen to all different desi programs like 'Sangeet', 'Yahoo', 'Nava Andaaz', etc. which run from 11 in the morning to 7 in the evening. This past Friday I happened to leave home at 11 am and as usual put on 1320. It was time for 'Parvasi', which I had never listened to before. I found the program a little better and the best amongst all other desi programs. It carries news, discussions, with a very balanced and mature view, and has fewer advertisements. I soon realized it is run by Rajinder Kumar Saini, a colleague of my father's who often used to accompany me to several painting contests that I took part in as a school going kid back in India. He now runs a paper, a biweekly magazine (
www.parvasi.com), and a radio program (all named 'Parvasi') in the GTA.
The discussion for the day, on 'Parvasi' was on the issue of 'Langar Seva' being allotted solely to some Rakhra family for 2 weeks at Harmander Sahib. Apparently this rich NRI family, out of their devotion, volunteered to sponsor the langar for one whole year which they were denied after a lot of opposition, lobbying, counter-lobbying, and political discussion. They eventually won the "rights" for a fortnight. However, the question was whether such sponsorship of 'Langar Seva" should be allowed or not? Mr. Saini brought on Bhai Ranjit Singh, a former granthi/jathedar at Harmander Sahib, who was very critical of the SGPC, its corrupt leadership, materialistic philosophy and practice. SGPC earns a lot of money, however, has failed to put it to proper use for developing schools, hospitals, or providing other essential assistance within or outside the community, where required. He also stated as to how the SGPC has succeeded at misleading the Sikh community into believing in its misconstrued concept of Sikhism, while acting as self appointed guardians of the faith and interpreters of Gurus' philosophy. Coming to the issue of 'Langar Seva' he cited an incident from the past where Moghul Emperor Akbar had similarly volunteered to sponsor the 'Langar' and was politely refused by Guru Amardas saying that, the 'Langar' is a community meal, for the people, by the people, where the purpose is not just for people to share their wealth with others but their time, their happiness, their sorrow, their culture, and develop camaraderie. SGPC, on the other hand, by allotting 'Langar Seva' for monetary gains is making the whole purpose of 'Langar' futile.