Monday, March 27, 2006

Self Caricature

Inspired by Jas ji's caricature, I did a self caricature. Though it looks a lot like me, I, however, have depicted myself as 'lean and mean' which I actually am not ! :) My picture in 'my profile' has also been replaced by a cropped image from this caricature.

The cartoon depicts me in my blue t-shirt which I wear most commonly these days (and of which my wife is fed up now ! She wants to make it into a 'pochaa'), a cup of medium-regular coffee in one hand, bunch of keys in the other, bag (contains nothing related to work but magazines; I hate novels) hanging from the shoulder. I apparently look happy going to work !


Blogger Jas B said...

Doc Saab, its great!

2:33 AM  
Blogger Spheric said...


Yes I do believe you wore that T-shirt a few Saturday nights ago. :)

ps. nice caricature. :)

11:17 AM  
Blogger ~enfield~ said...

Ha ha ! Sphere sahib, that was a new one that I wore that night.

3:04 PM  
Blogger ~enfield~ said...

However, I bought it from Wal-mart so that might have made you think it was more like a 'pochaa' (a rag) ! :)

3:40 PM  
Blogger Jas B said...

Doc Saab: you are so funny! :)

My Mom often referred to the worn out clothes that I loved wearing all the time as "pochaas". She waited for me to go back to the University so that she could get rid of my favorite "pochaas".

I keep wearing my fav clothes over and over and over again...

4:08 PM  
Blogger Harjot said...

Yes Paaji ! It's brilliant !And I thought both you and Jas had a common artist.

Meanwhile I think all of us tend to have a fav rag (Poocha ;) at home.Incidentally mine happens to be a blue one too :)

1:18 AM  
Blogger Jas B said...

Doc Saab: You'd be working in the US soon. I have some questions regarding that (as I may be working in the US as of July 1st as well). Would you answer them for me (I can give you my email if that is okay with you).

5:17 PM  
Blogger ~enfield~ said...

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11:16 PM  

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